
Better PDF paper strips and email notifications

As some of you may have already noticed, we've recently revisited our paper strip generator. The new PDF templates should be easier to use, more accurate and better fit most of the office printers. You can now find a quick preview image of the paper strip on the melody page.

Email notification delivery has been improved significantly, so if you all of a sudden started getting more emails, than you'd like to, please update your notification settings.

In case if you haven't heard Eugene's melodies, go check them out. They are awesome!

May 14, 2017, 11:41 a.m.

PDF paper sizes and editor improvements

We are happy to announce, that from now on, you can choose between Letter, Legal, A4 and A3 paper sizes on paper strip PDF export. Since the majority of our visitors are coming from the United States, Letter size has been set as the default option. Thanks to Movieguy2121 for the suggestion regarding this feature.

It is now possible to insert and delete vertical bars in the melody editor, which hopefully will be helpful for fixing melody rhythm after unsuccessful MIDI import. You can find this feature in the right click context menu.

Currently, we have 4,700+ melodies (22,000+ melody drafts!) and 2,600+ users, and even though these numbers may not sound exciting in the modern "big data" world, we've decided, that it's time to move both our database and file storages to a high available cloud hosting, which should increase stability and availability of the service.

Jan. 15, 2017, 2:11 p.m.

3/4 rhythm, better paper strips and store

From now on it is possible to switch between 4/4 and 3/4 rhythms in the editor. PDF paper strip rendering has also been slightly improved - now there are vertical bars with numbers for easier navigation, in case if you decide to punch a blank paper strip while looking at PDF on screen instead of printing it out. Thanks to Rutger S. for both suggestions and thanks to everybody else, who is sending us ideas for improvements. We also have some good news for our users from Europe. Our store has finally been integrated with German and British Amazon product feeds and supports currency conversion, so if you are looking for a Christmas or New Year gift for your friends or relatives, it's perfect time to consider buying a DIY music box.

Some of you might have noticed that the website is now using HTTPS protocol, which is considered to be more secure and fancy. Cheers!

Nov. 19, 2016, 1:11 p.m.

Followers and achievements

As some of you may have already noticed, we've recently made few improvements to the website. You can now follow your favorite maniacs through a special button, which is located right below the avatar in the user profile. For instance, check DiyMusicBox and don't hesitate to follow him. You can always find people you are currently following in your profile via a corresponding tab. When you follow somebody, you get notifications whenever they publish melodies, add videos or submit melody requests. Another great thing we've added is achievements. Well, maybe it's not that great, but at least we like it. They are being shown in the profile, say hi to Chrispy-Audioshi, but also as small icons in the people section. Follow each other, unlock achievements, publish your melodies and have fun!

Oct. 10, 2016, 5:58 p.m.

30 note strip size and a new store

We've recently received several questions regarding the size of 30 note paper strips produced by our service. So after we've done some checks, it appeared to be that the strip was narrower, than it's supposed to be. We don't know for sure for how long it's been the case, but we are happy to inform you that it's been corrected now and would like to apologise for all the inconvenience caused by this. Oh and the second thing is that we've updated the product view and the store look in general. There is also a discount product block on the home page, so that you won't miss some really good deals. The store shows discounts and new arrivals now, has better support of mobile devices and generally looks much prettier in our opinion. Hope you like it too!

Aug. 11, 2016, 6 a.m.

Votes revoking, avatars and melody requests

Many of our users have asked us to add a possibility to un-vote the melody, once you've voted for it. We've spent quite a lot of time trying to recall why this was restricted, but haven't found any good reason for this. So we are happy to announce, that from now on it is possible. Just click on the active vote button one more time, and it will revoke your vote, no matter if it was plus or minus. We have also improved melody requests section. It now has a search form, that outputs both melody requests and melodies. By the way, we would like to say thank you to everybody who is solving melody requests. Much appreciated. The avatars are now being loaded from social network profiles on the first login, and we've fixed a couple of annoying bugs in the meantime. More updates coming soon!

June 23, 2016, 5:22 p.m.

Comment subscriptions

We are happy to announce that we've finally added a possibility to subscribe for comments on melody, profile and melody request pages. You can either do it manually by clicking on the appropriate button in comments block header, or this will happen automatically when you add a new comment. In case if you are subscribed, you will get a notification about every new comment being posted. This feature is disabled for page owners, because they receive comment notifications by default. Please remember that in case if you don't enjoy the updates, you can always adjust your notification settings in your profile. We hope that this new change will make the communication process more predictable, easy and smooth. Cheers!

March 3, 2016, 4:50 p.m.

We need your skills

We are constantly receiving melody requests from our users. Some people want to surprise their friends or relatives with a melody from their memories. Some just want to play their favorite melody on a real music box. In any case, every time when we help these people, we feel how happy and glad they become, and it motivates us a lot. Unfortunately we receive more requests than we are able to process. We spend all our time to maintain and enhance the website. So we would like to ask you all for a favour. Please take a look at unresolved melody requests, pick up the one you like most of all and try to solve it. Sometimes you might find the melody in MIDI format online, and in this case it's just a question of importing and post polishing. Some melodies are quite rare and need to be created from scratch by hands. Anyway it's not as hard as it might seem like, because it's not necessary to create the entire melody - in most cases only a short piece of melody is enough. We are really looking forward for your collaboration and we are sure that all our melody requisitioners will appreciate your help a lot. Thanks in advance!

Nov. 22, 2015, 4:25 p.m.

New design

As some of you have probably noticed, we have a lot of interface changes.

  • Home page now contains widgets and links to full activity feed, videos and news

  • Profile page has been changed to show your melodies, melody requests and activity feed as separate widgets without the need of switching between tabs

  • Other than that we've slightly changed header and button styles

  • Melody editor has also been slightly improved. Button size and layout is now depending on your screen width

We hope you enjoy it!

Nov. 22, 2015, 1:38 p.m.

Small changes

We are happy to announce some small changes we've made recently:

  • Clicking on melody rating value under the play button will show you a dropdown with a list of voters
  • New mobile friendly navigation menu and slightly updated style
  • Better music box store section
  • Nice default avatars
  • New social sharing options on melody page and right after melody publishing
  • Pagination with sorting has been fixed
Thanks for your melodies, they are awesome!

Sept. 20, 2015, 8:54 a.m.