Ben_Efits's melodies

GI30 110 256

ben efits troll army anons

FR60 64 420 1 1

an original song i created this evening using the on site creation tool and then star bound composer from there.

GI30 60 678 1 1

This is my attempt to emulate the traditional Chinese style of music using my own subjective techniques to give it a traditional sound with a more modern geometry.

FR60 90 653 1 1

An original song composed entirely here on the site.

FR60 70 1371 1 1

Titaness's Music Box or Asteria's Music Box if you prefer. Is an original song Inspired by stories told In Greek mythology, Asteria or Asterie (/əˈstɪəriə/; Ancient Greek: Ἀστερία, lit. 'of the stars, starry one') was a daughter of the Titans Coeus (Polus) and Phoebe and the sister of Leto. According to Hesiod, by the Titan Perses she had a daughter, Hecate, goddess of witchcraft. Other authors made Asteria the mother of the fourth Heracles and Hecate by Zeus. Asteria was an inhabitant of Olympus, and like her sister Leto was beloved by Zeus. In order to escape the amorous advances of the god, who in the form of an eagle pursued her, she transformed herself into a quail (ortux) and flung herself into the Aegean Sea. It was there that Asteria metamorphosed into the island Asteria (the island which had fallen from heaven like a star) or the "quail island" Ortygia.This then became identified with the island of Delos, which was the only place on earth to give refuge to the fugitive Leto when, pregnant with Zeus's children, she was pursued by vengeful Hera.[8] According to Hyginus, Leto was borne by the north wind Boreas at the command of Zeus to the floating island, at the time when Python was pursuing her, and there clinging to an olive, she gave birth to Apollo and Artemis.[9] On the island of Delos Asteria married Perses and gave birth to their child Hecate. Asteria pursued by Zeus in the form of an eagle by Marco Liberi an example. A different version was added by the poet Nonnus who recounted that, after Asteria was pursued by Zeus but turned herself into a quail and leapt into the sea, Poseidon instead took up the chase. In the madness of his passion, he hunted the chaste goddess to and fro in the sea, riding restless before the changing wind and thus she transformed herself into the desert island of Delos with the help of her nephew Apollo who rooted her in the waves immovable. In the rare account where Asteria was the mother of Heracles by Zeus, the Phoenicians sacrifice quails to the hero because when he went into Libya and was killed by Typhon, Iolaus brought a quail to him, and having put it close to him, he smelt it and came to life again.

FR60 91 432

From Bach's Double Violin Concerto Of Course!

FR60 65 1485

A singularity.

FR60 100 2048

these fuckin bells are tubular man.

FR60 100 2048

this took me a long god damned time lol

FR60 60 787

a twist on an old classic

FR60 91 1755 1 1

based on the bluesy piano rolls found in all chucks music this is an attempt to emulate chucks unique blues sound on a music box, It doesn't have the soul of the original obviously, but I tried to do what I can with what we have to work with.

FR60 65 625 1 3

composed this song this afternoon using mostly the on site note editor then modulating the second half with an additional track of the main melody about 12 semitones (one octave) lower, as a result we have this beautiful full ranged feel and thanks to tips from Rick Beato, I Have been making an extra effort to include more meaningful rests in my compositions as well. Enjoy! See ya next time!

GI30F 70 434 2 1

An original piece of music... c=a2+b2 Context: c=a2+b2 The Pythagorean theorem, or Pythagoras' theorem, is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle. It states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.

FR60 92 1129 1 2

This is an original song that i wrote this evening, I hope you enjoy it.

FR60 91 1645 2 2

I am rather happy with how this turned out! I wrote this song in about 5 min time based on a lesson from Rick Beato's youtube channel and I am rather happy with the technique I have learned from it. As a result, this is in both the key of A and the key of E it modulates from one octave to the next and one key to the next about half way through the song. Anyway enjoy my new song! thanks for checking it out! Video will come soon!

FR60 115 1143 1 1

This is an original song I wrote at Midnight (In New York State it is Exactly At The Moment Of Posting) Enjoy. ex·is·ten·tial /ˌeɡzəˈsten(t)SH(ə)l/ adjective relating to existence. PHILOSOPHY concerned with existence, especially human existence as viewed in the theories of existentialism. LOGIC (of a proposition) affirming or implying the existence of a thing.

FR60 80 1576 2

The Dragons Slumber is an original song I wrote this afternoon. Enjoy.

FR60 60 860 1 1

Let It In is an original song i composed this morning. Ben Efits was here. Enjoy.

FR60 96 587 2

Lulz again for shits and giggles because I can...

FR60 60 332

Again just for fun, a very full ranged music box arrangement.

GI30F 65 131

A Paced Up Arrangement Of Green Sleeves Just For Fun.

FR60 125 1053 1 10 12

Pythagoras - The Fight Is On Music Box is an original song I created this morning its meant to be a combatitive sort of theme to go along with the video I have in mind for it.

FR60 90 2047 1 4

I liked this song so I arranged it a bit for a more full range music box sound. Enjoy!

FR60 60 863 1 2

Φράκταλ (Fractal in Greek) γεωμετρία (Geometry in Greek) this music box is based on some fun fractal geometry about 2 octaves apart, then i decorated my melody a bit to create this new original music box song. Enjoy!

FR60 75 928 1 1

This is a Music Box Maniacs Original Song I Composed Today. Enjoy!

FR60 110 1251 1 2

Synesthesia is when you hear music, but you see shapes. Or you hear a word or a name and instantly see a color. Synesthesia is a fancy name for when you experience one of your senses through another. ... It translates to “perceive together.” People who have this ability are called synesthetes. Once again this is an original song i wrote today on my wispow virtual keyboard. I hope you enjoy the song.

FR60 90 1782 1 1

Concerto For A Lost Soul is an original song I wrote today on the wispow virtual midi keyboard. It turned out quite nicely, I hope you enjoy it.

FR60 60 1110 1 3

This song is an original piece I created today on the oxygen mkv by m-audio. The title is inspired by a saying that Wintergatan has said many times, that inspired me for years now, and i've always took it to heart when it comes to creation in general, That is the following: "Pain Is Temporary, Glory is Forever" - Wintergatan

K15 80 661 1 3

In dedication, an ode to the James Webb Space Telescope Launch on its maiden voyage it is said that, Webb will orbit the sun 1.5 million kilometers (1 million miles) away from the Earth at what is called the second Lagrange point or L2. It launched today! The James Webb Space Telescope is a space telescope jointly developed by NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency. It is planned to succeed the Hubble Space Telescope as NASA's flagship astrophysics mission. How exciting!

FR60 95 703 1 5

How This Original Piece Of Musical Expression Was Inspired? "The hallmark of a passive-aggressive attack is that it is intentionally indirect and intentionally covertly delivered. It is the cowardly, lily-livered and chicken-hearted way of addressing an issue. This is the attack that sneaks up on you from behind." You know what kind of person I hate the most. You if you are a passive aggressive coward. The hallmark of a passive-aggressive attack is that it is intentionally indirect and intentionally covertly delivered. It is the cowardly, lily-livered and chicken shit hearted way of addressing an issue. This is the attack that sneaks up on you from behind. That's why I am perfectly happy to tell any one of you to suck my long harry cock and kiss my dirty asshole. Aggressive people are not able to relate to your passive unmeaningful language and you know in your heart you are a weak coward or you wouldn't be using passive aggression would you? So if you are? you happen to be a passive aggressive coward, with no back bone, no character? DO US BOTH A FAVOR (you know who you are, you know your heart and deep down when you act passive aggressive its because you fear a guy like me will feed you some real aggression and drive your teeth right down your throat that's what it really is. YOU ARE NOT WRONG KIDS. So all that said? stay the fuck away from me and my friends thanks. We will not hesitate for a moment to tell your "scared to converse meaningfully" ass where the door is and to not let it hit ya in the ass on the way out. Food for thought. I don't "feel sorry for your lack of character" it simply makes me want to impose my will upon you. It may be best if you are some passive aggressive cunt? afraid to really say how you feel? that you go ahead and go fuck yourself... That's what's best for everyone around you... if you live this life style? die with it. Thanks. - Signed with as much love and understanding as a person like that deserves. With Love You Will Never Know - Signed: The Charismatic, Creative and Actually Aggressive Ginger Guy Who Does Not Have Any Fucks To Left To Give..