
Currently we have 75038 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

FR60 140 860 4

THE ORAL CIGARETTES - 狂乱Hey Kids!! (Noragami Aragoto Op 2)

GI30 116 1143 21

Imported from pela_luz_dos_olhos_teus (1).mid

GI30 154 717

Imported from valsinha (2).mid

GI30 150 1639

Imported from velha-infancia-1 (1).mid

GI30 110 1373

Imported from saudade-de-minha-terra (3).mid

GI30 120 917

Imported from um-dia-um-adeus-1 (2).mid

GI30 67 609

Imported from azul-da-cor-do-mar (1).mid

GI30 100 1033

Imported from Chico Buarque-João e Maria (1).mid

MB40 120 425 1

Imported from Psalm_001.mid

MB40 160 425 1

Imported from Psalm_001.mid

GI30 136 889 1

Imported from 122494_clone-of-crumbling-dreams-balloras-music-box-fnaf-_rffp_musicboxmaniacs.com (2).mid

FR60 91 470 3

Into The Unknown from Over The Garden Wall

GI30 110 256

FR60 73 745 1

Imported from Alex & Sierra - Little Do You Know.mid

GI30 150 1549

Imported from Antonio Vivaldi - Summer Storm (3rd movement).mid

GI30 136 1405 9

Imported from Once Upon a December - Anastasia.mid

GI30 145 1599

Imported from Mozart _ The Magic Flute, Queen of the Night Aria (redone 3).mid

GI30 140 1489

Imported from Scarborough Fair.mid