Draft melodies are only accessible by the author


Currently we have 80540 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI30 70 256

GI30 110 256

GI30 60 445 23

From the incredible soundtrack of Outer Wilds!

K15 82 553

Imported from MIDI from imported midi file (13).mid

GI30F 95 204 1

I don't know why I love this show so much. Watch the completed music box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abiI1EWVCeY

K15 110 256 1

Thème d'Amélie Poulain

FR60 85 1010

A Silver Bells Musicbox

FR60 105 2048

We Wish You A Merry Xmas (Tuxedo Style)

FR60 95 2048

my we wish you a merry christmas Musicbox arrangement

GI30 75 301

Imported from Joe Hisaishi - A Journey.mid

GI30 80 256

K15 110 255

GI30 110 344 1

The theme of Barbie Magic of Pegasus based off Beethoven Symphony 6 - Pastorale pt 1

FR60 110 1988 29

Imported from Evangelion - Cruel Angel's Thesis.mid

GI30 120 1617 4

Imported from midi indila.mid

K15 82 549 3

Imported from MIDI from imported midi file (13).mid

K15 82 550 3

Imported from 144854_clone-of-maybe_mgui_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI30 82 550 3

Imported from MIDI from imported midi file (12).mid

GI30 82 550 3

Imported from MIDI from imported midi file (12).mid

MB40 82 550

Imported from 144849_full-of-notes-less_oe6y_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

MB40 82 540 2

Imported from 144849_full-of-notes-less_oe6y_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

MB40 82 539 2

Imported from 144849_full-of-notes-less_oe6y_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

MB40 82 551 2

Imported from MIDI from imported midi file (11).mid

GI30 82 558 1

Imported from 144847_full-of-notes-less_049a_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

MB40 82 558 1

Imported from 144846_full-of-notes-less_0slx_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

MB40 82 548

Imported from 144845_full-of-notes-less_cayq_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

MB40 82 553

Imported from MIDI from imported midi file (11).mid