
Currently we have 73037 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

K15 100 112 1

Imported from MIDI A Major.mid

K15 100 95

Imported from MIDI A Flat-G Sharp minor natural.mid

GI30 100 95

Imported from MIDI A Flat-G Sharp minor melodic.mid

GI30 100 114

Imported from MIDI A Flat-G Sharp minor harmonic.mid

K15 100 117 1

MIDI A Flat-G Sharp Major

FR60 137 2048


FR60 96 2048 26

dies irae

K15 78 157

Imported from Il Cielo Su Torino.mid

FR60 105 400

I didn't feel like doing the whole thing

FR60 88 256

i couldnt find the original song in thjat one pinkfong tale so i remade it here

FR60 110 2046

elite musicbox cover

GI30F 60 256

K15 64 137 1

Imported from dance before we walk reff.mid

FR60 120 2048 1

Chopin - Funeral March (op 35)

FR60 75 2048

a lil experimentation dont mind me anon lol

GI30 150 1000 2

GI30F 100 301

Imported from 336장 환난과 핍박 중에도.mid

FR60 100 1093

Imported from The Living Tombstone - It's Been So Long (FNaF 2 Song).mid

FR60 145 1839 1

Imported from Loser, Baby - Andrew Underberg.mid