
Currently we have 79548 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

K15 80 1747

Imported from billy_joel_-_the_stranger.mid

K15 93 209

Imported from Simple - Beatles - Blackbird MIDI by LeadONE.mid

K15 126 1649

Imported from billy_joel_-_uptown_girl.mid

K15 147 2048 2

Imported from billy_joel_-_piano_man.mid

K15 160 2048 7

Imported from billy_joel_-_it's_still_rock_and_roll_to_me.mid

K15 150 2014 3

Imported from billy_idol_-_white_wedding.mid

K15 160 2048

Imported from billy_idol_-_rebel_yell.mid

K15 160 1369

Imported from V.2 Take Your Love With Me - Sophie Madeleine MIDI 175BPM by Leadone.mid

K15 160 1369

Imported from Version_1_Take Your Love With Me - Sophie Madeleine MIDI 175BPM.mid

K15 110 1602 2

Imported from abba_-_take_a_chance_on_me.mid

K15 102 591

Imported from 99_and_1-2_won't_do_v_1.mid

K15 132 1806 2

Imported from aaliyah_-_are_you_that_somebody.mid

K15 87 1609 9

Imported from abba_-_chiquita.mid

K15 120 1526

Imported from abba_-_super_trouper.mid

K15 77 253

Imported from Adele - Make you feel my love by LeadOne.mid

K15 93 213

Imported from Beatles - Blackbird MIDI by LeadONE.mid

K15 86 126

Imported from howdeepisyourlove.mid

K15 60 256

For film - w google rng

K15 130 1416

Imported from bay_city_rollers_-_i_only_want_to_be_with_you.mid

K15 138 1821

Imported from brownsville_station_-_smokin_in_the_boys_room.mid

K15 75 821

Imported from cat_stevens_-_father_and_son.mid

K15 65 952

Imported from areyoulonesometonight.mid

K15 132 2034 1

Imported from aha_-_the_sun_always_shines_on_tv.mid

K15 140 1921 2

Imported from big_country_-_big_country.mid

K15 122 1691 2

Imported from andy_kim_-_rock_me_gently.mid

K15 160 1821

Imported from anne_murray_-_snowbird.mid

K15 95 1297

Imported from ace_of_base_-_all_that_she_wants.mid

K15 100 1111

Imported from billy_joel_-_she's_always_a_woman_to_me.mid

K15 126 1962 2

Imported from aretha_franklin_-_pink_cadillac.mid

K15 156 2048

Imported from barenaked ladies.if i had a million dollars.mid