
Currently we have 79620 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

K15 78 401

Imported from MIDI lyrics.mid

K15 118 520

Imported from MIDI EXS43VkOMBkO.128.mid

K15 96 169

Imported from 2222.mid

K15 82 135

Imported from MIDI Beatles.mid

K15 74 341

Imported from Mariage damour - Paul de Senneville.mid

K15 82 182

Imported from MIDI Blue SKies.mid

K15 122 260

Imported from Midi.mid

K15 74 271

Imported from Marracash - Niente Canzoni DAmore.mid

K15 117 265

Imported from Midi baby.mid

K15 87 135

Imported from Midi music box.mid

K15 92 198 3

Interpreted for Kikkerland 15 with some streamlining from original clones found throughout the library.

K15 116 151

Imported from MIDI Beabadoobee - Coffee.mid

K15 82 120

Imported from 2222.mid

K15 108 150 2

Imported from MIDI patience.mid

K15 110 150

K15 120 379

Imported from NYD MIDI.aif.MID

K15 120 128 2

Imported from 231210_transcribe_simple.mid

K15 140 256

Transposed to c scale

K15 96 184

Adapted to the Kikkerland 15 scale and added a lead-in. Significantly modified the baseline overall to make it blend better. Adapted from Yunshen version - special thanks.