
Currently we have 79514 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

K15 96 406

Imported from Nina Zilli - Sola.mid

K15 70 355

Imported from Ben Harper.mid

K15 140 2048 1

Imported from Artista desconocido - Chayane tiempo de vals (karaoplay.com).mid

K15 60 140

Imported from every summertime.mid

K15 60 161

Imported from do you wanna build a snowman.mid

K15 82 230

Imported from Taro.mid

K15 100 133

Imported from slaap_kindje_slaap_nl.mid

K15 84 305

Imported from Chicchi di riso.mid

K15 110 729

Imported from new LEAD.mid

K15 60 160

K15 145 245

Imported from CC CMDF.mid

K15 100 502

Imported from in_the_sweet_by_and_by.mid

K15 96 1969

Imported from i'm_not_alone.mid

K15 104 257

Imported from i_love_you_lord.mid

K15 120 1281

Imported from i_love_to_tell_the_story.mid

K15 120 897

Imported from i_know_whom_i_have_believed.mid

K15 88 1562

Imported from i_am_loved.mid

K15 64 249

Imported from how_great_thou_art.mid