
Currently we have 79519 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

K15 120 1281

Imported from i_love_to_tell_the_story.mid

K15 120 897

Imported from i_know_whom_i_have_believed.mid

K15 88 1562

Imported from i_am_loved.mid

K15 64 249

Imported from how_great_thou_art.mid

K15 132 881

Imported from he_keeps_me_signing.mid

K15 134 1600

Imported from he_is_risen.mid

K15 142 1297

Imported from have_thine_own_way_lord.mid

K15 96 373

Imported from great_is_thy_faithfulness.mid

K15 86 703

Imported from great_is_the_lord.mid

K15 114 1537

Imported from god_is_love.mid

K15 143 1836

Imported from god_hath_not_promised.mid

K15 122 625

Imported from go_tell_it_on_the_mountain.mid

K15 64 624

Imported from give_thanks.mid

K15 114 1389

Imported from for_the_blind_will_see.mid

K15 89 878 1

Imported from for_the_beauty_of_the_earth.mid

K15 108 817

Imported from fairest_lord_jesus.mid

K15 102 1612

Imported from each_for_the_other.mid

K15 80 137

Imported from doxology.mid

K15 97 897

Imported from do_you_know_jesus.mid

K15 103 245

Imported from crown_him_with_many_crowns.mid

K15 130 2048

Imported from crash.mid

K15 100 889

Imported from count_your_blessings.mid

K15 83 685

Imported from come_thou_almighty_king.mid

K15 120 345

Imported from come_all_ye_faithful.mid

K15 100 369 1

Imported from closer_walk_with_thee.mid

K15 91 1449 1

Imported from christmas_carols_-_the_first_noel.mid

K15 114 1077 2

Imported from christmas_carols_-_o_come_all_ye_faithful.mid

K15 92 241 1

Imported from christian_what_a_friend_we_have.mid

K15 159 517

Imported from celebrate_jesus.mid

K15 90 1186

Imported from calvary's_love.mid