
Currently we have 79519 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

K15 100 1125

Imported from broken.mid

K15 72 689

Imported from awesome_god.mid

K15 120 377

Imported from angels_from_the_ams_of_glory.mid

K15 72 849 1

Imported from alleluia.mid

K15 100 369 1

Imported from closer_walk_with_thee.mid

K15 60 170

Imported from Queen - Somebody To Love.mid

K15 60 322

Imported from Audio 2024.mid

K15 60 198

K15 96 254

Very poor take on the song, simplifying it as much as possible to not loose the melody.

K15 70 269

K15 100 312

Imported from Lo Tengo Claro .midi

K15 80 150 129

K15 110 150 129

K15 80 150 1

K15 110 140

K15 72 849 1

Imported from alleluia.mid

K15 67 906 1

Imported from re00076n.mid

K15 122 1077 3

Imported from Christmas_Carols_-_O_Come_All_Ye_Faithful.mid

K15 84 1449 1

Imported from Christmas_Carols_-_The_First_Noel.mid

K15 104 241 1

Imported from TWC-622.mid