
Currently we have 79552 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 160 128 1

Imported from wowowowow.mid

GI20 75 119

Imported from sanbcf alt.mid

GI20 75 113 1

Imported from sanbcf.mid

GI20 75 113 1

Imported from sanbcf.mid

GI20 90 64 2

Imported from Chrono Trigger Epilogue - To Good Friends - Ending Music Box Test.mid

GI20 140 557

Imported from FNAF_Security_Breach_Main_Menu_Theme.mid

GI20 121 428 4

adjusted some timing, shortened up so it loops

GI20 92 273

Imported from midi.mid

GI20 160 100

GI20 109 594

Imported from Winxtheme.mid

GI20 120 154


GI20 110 140

GI20 120 1713

GI20 99 88


GI20 87 105 2

GI20 62 833 2

Imported from Luna_midicities_dot_com (1).mid

GI20 62 833 2

Imported from Luna_midicities_dot_com (1).mid


GI20 60 256

GI20 120 61 15

Imported from tetris theme 20.mid

GI20 160 375

Imported from Takemeouttotheballgame.mid

GI20 60 854

Imported from Breaking Benjamin — Anthem of the Angels [MIDIfind.com].mid