
Currently we have 79564 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 90 1010 2

Imported from Billy Talent — Devil in a Midnight Mass [MIDIfind.com].mid

GI20 76 1556

Imported from 미련한사랑_김동욱.mid

GI20 84 140

Imported from Midi Swift invisible string.mid

GI20 84 170

Imported from Midi Bigger Than The Whole Sky.mid

GI20 90 165 1

Imported from 124831_unknown-artist-untitled_ywxe_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 90 200 2

Imported from 124731_unknown-artist-untitled_j4nz_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 60 405

Imported from 【神魔之塔】『與你相遇』.midi

GI20 130 353 1

Imported from 꽃타령.mid

GI20 60 119 5

GI20 140 1023

Arranged by Nightmargin

GI20 110 113

Imported from Puppet Music Box FNaF (scarily accurate remake).mid

GI20 110 113 60

Imported from Puppet Music Box FNaF (scarily accurate remake).mid

GI20 110 198

Since I’ve last been regularly active here I did start playing a new game.

GI20 80 60

Imported from 123058_unknown-artist-untitled_utj8_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 60 93

Imported from rainbow.mid

GI20 80 127

Imported from Follow.mid

GI20 120 127

Imported from Follow.mid

GI20 60 97

Imported from crowdedhousedelete.mid

GI20 76 146

Imported from fliegenshort.mid

GI20 120 157

Imported from Dreamer.mid

GI20 90 256

by Kla Project

GI20 60 187 1

Imported from 111792_those-eyes-new-west_vkvl_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 120 973 10

Imported from Bink_s_Sake_english.mid

GI20 100 144 1

Imported from fliegenshort.mid