
Currently we have 79567 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 100 253 3

Refrain & Chorus parts

GI20 160 1715

Imported from Полёт На Дельтаплане (Караоке).mid

GI20 109 257

Imported from Murder MIDI Melody.mid

GI20 100 241 4

Imported from Nearer_My_God_to_Thee.mid

GI20 100 241 4

Imported from Nearer_My_God_to_Thee.mid

GI20 80 1211

Imported from niga.mid

GI20 80 760

Imported from NBGM2.mid

GI20 60 256 9

I have never played a two who. I have no right to believe this song slaps.

GI20 110 253 1

Jingle Bells

GI20 60 256

Happy Festa.. Happy 10 Years BTS! Borahae

GI20 90 64

Just a nice little simple arrangement of Double Lariat, made small enough to fit into a real music box, if you could find someone willing to create a music box that played a Vocaloid song

GI20 97 709 2

Imported from welsh_20_(c)taylor.mid

GI20 120 260 60

Imported from FNAF_-_Marionette_Music_Box__The_Grandfather_Clock.mid

GI20 160 565

Imported from 1190.mid

GI20 110 685

The 24th Winter Olympics Opening Chorus

GI20 160 273 2

GI20 90 229

Imported from Wonderful_Words_of_Life.mid

GI20 80 135 1


GI20 80 120 1
