
Currently we have 79584 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 125 497

Imported from 108080_unknown-artist-untitled_rkqj_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 90 1445 1

Imported from Follow-You-Follow-Me-1.mid_1235499_1.mid

GI20 86 822 56

GI20 120 1621

Imported from Altijd-Is-Kortjakje-Ziek-(Klassiek).mid

GI20 87 1609

Imported from ABBA_-_Chiquita.mid

GI20 134 1405


GI20 140 513

Imported from Grand Piano.mid

GI20 160 190

GI20 130 2048

Imported from black-eyed-peas-i-gotta-feeling.mid

GI20 128 1875

Imported from au-bout-de-mes-reves-jean-jacques-goldman-1.mid

GI20 120 2048

Imported from a-nos-actes-manques-1.mid

GI20 120 114 60

Imported from FNaF 2 - The Puppet's Music Box [update]_1666886736848.mid

GI20 160 64

Imported from 2635032_2.mid

GI20 65 689

Imported from New Composition 1 - Acoustic Ensemble - 4 4 - G major - 65BPM - Reduced.mid

GI20 62 129


GI20 85 457 1

First attempt at getting the main melody to a music box format. Still needs some tweaks for use on real music box.

GI20 100 256

GI20 105 329 1

Official intro song to Critical Role´s second campaign: The Mighty Nein. Originally written and produced by Sam Riegel and Jason Charles Miller. Check out the original here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhFETREAvhc

GI20 140 193

Imported from Temmie.mid

GI20 160 515 13

Imported from 30121_The-Flea-Waltz-Der-Flohwalzer.mid