
Currently we have 79590 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 120 1690

Imported from bound_to_the_floor.mid

GI20 120 763 7

I arranged this version of Daisy Bell myself. After the first verse, there is also a supporting melody line.

GI20 120 90

Imported from KiHa 40.mid

GI20 150 1693

Imported from Billy_Idol_-_White_Wedding.mid

GI20 160 1915

Imported from hoobastank-the_reason (1).mid

GI20 120 125

This is a German child's song that seemingly has been around forever. It's short and sweet. The text that goes with it is: Dornröschen war ein schönes Kind Schönes Kind, schönes Kind Dornröschen war ein schönes Kind, schönes Kind.

GI20 100 62

idk too

GI20 100 64

Imported from random-music-generators(3).mid

GI20 160 140

Animal Crossing - WW (Roading).mid

GI20 109 295

Imported from Stardew Valley OST.mid

GI20 120 771

Imported from MX-Stand Up.mid

GI20 109 129

Imported from There's a wasp in my window.mid

GI20 89 309 18

Do you have Diy Music box?! And you want to play your favorite melodies on your real music box, but can't create paper strip with right notation, because you don't have enough experience? Ask me at: https://www.fiverr.com/diymusicbox/notation-for-diy-music-box

GI20 62 127

Imported from mitsuha theme6.mid

GI20 62 139

Imported from mitsuha theme3.mid

GI20 110 425 1

My_mother_told_me Termo my version

GI20 100 425 1

My Mother Told Me - Carillon by Termo

GI20 106 2003

Imported from 8519361037.midi

GI20 100 365 5

Imported from F_FULL_TRY_60_shift.mid

GI20 110 196 87

This is a song from an old french movie, Jules et Jim. It has a nice wistful tone to it.

GI20 100 237

Imported from traditioner_af_swenska_folk_dansar.1.5.mid

GI20 120 509

Imported from RedAppleRag.mid

GI20 100 177

Imported from J95000-YanresoHoi.mid

GI20 100 85

Imported from J95000-Banzai-Bushi.mid

GI20 116 925 2

Imported from chp-10-05.mid

GI20 140 703

Imported from ThemeB(Variation).mid