
Currently we have 79600 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 140 909

Imported from ThemeA.mid

GI20 83 1201

Imported from TurnYourLightsDownLow.mid

GI20 126 1707 1

Imported from AnyDreamWillDo.mid

GI20 160 2048

Imported from Valerie.mid

GI20 123 1530

Imported from BackToBlack.mid

GI20 95 1489

Imported from Stripped.mid

GI20 100 835

Imported from A_Childs_Wish.mid

GI20 120 399

Imported from two-duo.mid

GI20 110 1585

Imported from division-violin-04[1].mid

GI20 90 282 2

Imported from spanish-romance.mid

GI20 90 282 2

Imported from spanish-romance.mid

GI20 90 597

Imported from dvorak-als-die-alte-mutter.mid

GI20 144 1595

Imported from debussy_Arabesque_1.mid

GI20 60 384

Imported from liszt-consolation-no1.mid

GI20 72 1275

Imported from Tschaikowsky-op37.1.mid

GI20 72 1349

Imported from Tschaikowsky-op37.2.mid

GI20 108 2048

Imported from Tschaikowsky-op37.8.mid

GI20 140 376

Imported from 05MarchOfTheWoodenSoldiers.mid

GI20 70 250

Imported from 16OldFrenchSong.mid

GI20 60 1019

Imported from KV331_3_RondoAllaTurca.mid

GI20 92 431

Imported from KV331_1_2_var1.mid

GI20 60 427

Imported from KV331_1_1_tema.mid

GI20 120 157

Imported from anna-magdalena-22.mid

GI20 160 933 1

Imported from bach-english-suite-2-prelude.mid

GI20 160 797 1

Imported from bach-english-suite-1-bourree-1.mid

GI20 106 1185

Imported from duetto.mid

GI20 65 374

Imported from bach-invention-14.mid

GI20 100 397

Imported from bach-invention-13.mid

GI20 160 571

Imported from bach-invention-10.mid

GI20 90 397

Imported from bach-invention-08.mid