
Currently we have 79625 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 100 73 1


GI20 110 256

GI20 90 1343

Imported from moonlight transposed.mid

GI20 100 249 1

上真行 一月一日

GI20 128 137 1

ドンキーコング デモ音楽

GI20 160 765 25

Imported from Midimory.mid

GI20 122 1117

Imported from Maple Story - Ellinia.mid

GI20 122 1148

Imported from Maple Story - Ellinia.mid

GI20 122 1149 2

Imported from Maple Story - Ellinia.mid

GI20 122 1149 1

Imported from Maple Story - Ellinia.mid

GI20 122 1433

Imported from Maple Story - Ellinia.mid1

GI20 160 701

Imported from the_entertainer.mid

GI20 120 289 3

Imported from 20 notes.mid

GI20 80 289 3

Imported from 20 notes.mid

GI20 135 600

My arrangement for Toby Fox's "Once Upon a Time" from Undertale. This is made for a 30 note music box. It's also my first cover done on musicboxmaniacs!

GI20 68 191

Comment name ideas pls

GI20 60 200

A case for being able to use a slower BPM on this website!

GI20 160 143

GI20 106 256 2

GI20 110 256

Could not think of a name for it and I know its short i just am not thinking right (dont ask why)idk why

GI20 90 128 1

A simple arrangement of the chorus of Dreams Dreams from NiGHTS Into Dreams