
Currently we have 79631 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 120 1152 14

Who can resist the classic Leekspin meme? Now, music boxes can have their paper strip!

GI20 160 1720 1

Imported from joe_hisaishione_summers_day.mid

GI20 80 128 1

GI20 100 335

Imported from 071f5835-19b4-45fa-b6ae-e0895c59e09a.mid

GI20 120 505 1

GI20 128 1770

Imported from gusttavo_lima-balada.mid

GI20 60 114 3

Imported from 24377_Masquerade-Phantoms-Musical-Box.mid

GI20 100 335

Imported from f3b4aa16-905e-43bb-86bb-636595e4d05b.mid

GI20 88 1377 1

Imported from champagne_problems_-_Taylor_Swift_mashup.mid

GI20 110 913

Imported from converted-3647691.gp5.mid

GI20 103 777 1

Imported from Mehter_-_M_Eski_Ordu_Marsi.mid

GI20 95 1120

Imported from Mehter_-_Tuna_Nehri.mid

GI20 109 99

Imported from heart to break2.mid

GI20 90 128

Adaptation for 20 note music box Adapted from this arrangement for 30 note music box: https://musicboxmaniacs.com/explore/melody/wellerman-sea-shanty-from-tiktok_75147/

GI20 125 238

This is my first version of this song. I'm hoping to improve it in the coming days. I'm not a musician at all, but I managed to make it sound really nice!

GI20 100 235

South Korea's Warm-up exercise song

GI20 120 189 1

Imported from Always.mid

GI20 60 256 1

Rewritten to fit GI20

GI20 72 256

Rewritten to fit GI20