
Currently we have 79634 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 140 314

Imported from song writing.mid

GI20 115 799 1

Imported from 甜甜的.mid

GI20 90 139

A-E Scale adapted

GI20 90 361

Imported from 또 만났네요3.mid

GI20 75 1121

Imported from 珊瑚海.mid

GI20 87 141

Imported from VA.mid

GI20 120 97

Imported from Happy Birthday To You.mid

GI20 160 2046 2

Imported from I_Choose_You_Sara_Bareilles.mid

GI20 120 80

GI20 90 185 45

For export to 30, 20 and 15 notes music box

GI20 100 200

this might be anoying but it is soposed to be playtime like a circus and then a theme to it enjoy

GI20 79 128

Imported from Bright_Eyes_-_First_Day_of_My_Life.mid

GI20 125 1049

경서(KyoungSeo)-밤하늘의별을(Shiny Star)

GI20 160 501

Bored so I made this Anyways check out my instagram @xi3ty 👊😹

GI20 115 1509

Imported from F.U.N. - We Are Young.mid

GI20 128 273

Imported from Easy.midi

GI20 110 256

For my friends

GI20 60 200 1

lalalulmi <3

GI20 100 143

Imported from lipla.mid

GI20 65 257 9

MyYouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpwwtiXQW6ohMmJWi2xbrQ Do you have Diy Music box?! And you want to play your favorite melodies on your real music box, but can't create paper strip with right notation, because you don't have enough experience? Ask me at: https://www.fiverr.com/diymusicbox/notation-for-diy-music-box