
Currently we have 79634 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 60 259 2

The "Life And Death" Theme of ABC's "LOST"! Liberatly de-composed the harmonies around the theme, Tempo 60 is still too fast, I would play it way slower on my music box!

GI20 120 193 5

Angels We Have Heard on High

GI20 85 264 1 1

A self composed Song of our medieval Live-Action-Roleplay Group ... now available for the musicbox! :) Now I've finished ... finally! It's composed for GI20, but there will also be a K15 version so that I can give the song with little music boxes to my sisters and brothers of the "Blue Blazes". Lyrics: --- verse --- Es zieht ein Blauer Brand Sich durch jedes Land Auf schwarzem Grund die Flamme weht Von tiefstem blutig blau Es ist ein Blauer Brand Für Tapferkeit bekannt Treue, Freundschaft, Disziplin Und für Gerechtigkeit --- refrain --- Heil Dir Segaron Schenk uns Deine Kraft Bekannt sind bald im ganzen Land Dein Ruhm und deine Macht Heil Dir Segaron Bereite uns den Weg In Deinem Namen streiten wir Und niemand widersteht --- verse2 --- Es ist ein Blauer Brand Von Segaron gesandt Aus alter Asche auferstand Nun tobt das Flammenmeer! Es war ein Blauer Brand Als er zuerst entstand Das große Ziel schon klar im Blick Die Ketten werfet ab! --- refrain --- [...] I try to translate ...: --- verse --- a Blue Blaze is moving trough every country The flame blows on a black background Of the deepest bloody blue It is a Blue Blaze Known for bravery Loyalty, friendship, discipline And for justice --- refrain --- Hail Segaron Give us your strength Will soon be known across the country Your fame and your power Hail Segaron Prepare the way for us We fight in your name And no one resists --- vers2 --- It is a Blue Blaze Sent by Segaron Risen from the old ashes Now the sea of flames is raging! It was a Blue Blaze When it first came into being The big goal is already clearly in view Throw off the chains! --- refrain --- [...]

GI20 96 913 4

Copy of "While Your Lips Are Still Red by Nightwish". Optimized until measure 34. Maybe after measure 34 the music doesn't sound nice anymore. Use the half time-distance between the notes for saving your expensive paper and arm muscles while playing the musicbox. Optimizations: 1) Continuous second voice 2) Successive 1/8 notes removed -> substitute tones composed 3) Longer tacet in melody between refrain and verse 4) Continuous second voice in the verse 5) Fuller sounded Refrain (version 2.0) 6) And some others ...

GI20 60 256 1

A little sequence from my favourite song of the musical "Anastasia"; Optimized to GI20: - directly following 1/8 notes replayced by something re-composed - halfnotes replaced by other notes from the harmony :)

GI20 96 913 4

Copy of "While Your Lips Are Still Red by Nightwish". Optimized until measure 34. Maybe after measure 34 the music doesn't sound nice anymore. Use the half time-distance between the notes for saving your expensive paper and arm muscles while playing the musicbox. Optimizations: 1) Continuous second voice 2) Successive 1/8 notes removed -> substitute tones composed 3) Longer tacet in melody between refrain and verse 4) Continuous second voice in the verse 5) And some others ...

GI20 120 439

I edited a copy of the "Skyrim theme", which is a mix of Skyrim Theme and Morrowind Theme. I startet with editing from measure 33. I would recommend starting at measure 33 (with an upbeat), because nobody wants to hear the boring beginning ;-). 1) The end is shortened and with an arpeggio on the final chord. 2) Removed duplicate tones one after the other so the holes can be punched halfway apart what saves your paper stripes. 3) Wrong note (substitute for halftone) removed and "re-composed". 4) further optimizations ...

GI20 120 70 1

GI20 120 119

GI20 120 200 1

Imported from 01Jingle_Bells.mid

GI20 104 320

Imported from lumineuse musicbox.mid

GI20 120 403

Imported from USERSONG00.MID

GI20 80 157

Imported from blood 1.mid

GI20 160 505 1

Imported from 01Jingle_Bells.mid

GI20 80 2048 3

GI20 95 185 286

Imported from twinkle-twinkle-little-star.mid

GI20 66 793


GI20 125 713 2


GI20 98 384 1

Imported from 72312_unknown-artist-untitled_u1n8_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 118 163

Imported from Feeling for you[1].mid_1741598_2.mid

GI20 77 151 7

Imported from Hoppipolla_by_Sigur_Ros.mid

GI20 120 2048

Imported from midi_export.mid