
Currently we have 79642 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 145 2048

Imported from 3_Doors_Down_-_Here_Without_You_(2).mid

GI20 90 301

Imported from Track 2.mid

GI20 160 424

GI20 120 184 7

GI20 110 128

Muro Box test

GI20 160 765 19

Imported from Midimory.mid

GI20 60 147 11

Imported from 35308_enya-only-time_x1nk_musicboxmaniacs.com (1).mid

GI20 112 223

From the 1999 McDonald's commercial 🍟🍔🥤 (added the new outro at the end)

GI20 120 421 61

ho rimosso alcune misure rispetto alla versione precendente

GI20 120 581 61

have fun

GI20 64 257

Stanza, Refrain & Chorus parts

GI20 77 200

Stanza, Refrain & Chorus parts

GI20 110 248 6

I gently open the door and...

GI20 120 919 12

Imported from way back home(1).mid

GI20 100 253 3

Refrain & Chorus parts

GI20 60 84

Traditional Celtic Folk

GI20 60 265

From Beauty and the Beast, composed by Alan Menken

GI20 92 312

Stanza & Chorus parts

GI20 101 236 2

{Made, 27/06/2019 but never posted.} Oh boi, this really gives off my older melody vibes, that's most likely due to it being one! XD And, I don't have anything to put here, so I hope all of you have a great day and thank-you all for all the support I've been given over the years! (I say years, even though it hasn't even been two years yet.) And I say this, because I feel I don't say it nearly enough! So, yeah, I don't say it enough, thank-you, truly, it's always meant the world to me!

GI20 97 261

{Made, 04/07/2019 but never posted.} I'm going to post this before it becomes a full, year old. This is such a horrible habit I have of hording melodies thinking I'll mess around and improve them. Only to let them sit forever in my folder. To be fair, I have quite a few horrible habits, the more mild being biting nails, and things of that sort. But still, I need to get better with posting! XD And now that I've graduated this month, to think i'd have no reason not to! But I bet nothing will change when it comes to my productivity! : D (Ah, shoot. Now people know my age roughly. Oh dear 0-0 I wanted that to stay a speculative mystery!) Oh, well... I hope everyone's having a great day/ night!

GI20 70 269

Imported from all_night.mid

GI20 60 144

Including accompanying voice and bridge melody. Based on the musescore arrangement: https://musescore.com/user/10683961/scores/5679136 and the arrangement by Sergey_Isupov

GI20 110 232

"Grieve No More" as performed by Aislin Querelle in Amazon-Prime`s "Carnival Row"