
Currently we have 79643 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.


GI20 100 84 1

Imported from DriverSeat.mid

GI20 65 169

Imported from you're my world musicbox.mid

GI20 80 447

Intro, Stanza & Refrain parts

GI20 147 1833 2

Na na na na na na

GI20 110 256 13

GI20 60 191

Imported from When The Wind Blows music box.mid

GI20 81 162

Chorus part

GI20 116 263

Imported from sunrise.mid

GI20 130 1151

GI20 80 252



GI20 120 388

Imported from 123musicboxtrack3.mid

GI20 154 691 2

Imported from Ride-21pilots.mid

GI20 154 1731 2

Imported from Ride-21pilots.mid

GI20 154 691 2

Imported from Ride-21pilots.mid

GI20 87 261

Chorus part

GI20 120 2048 1

Imported from merge_from_ofoct (1).mid

GI20 66 300 4

GI20 69 211

Chorus & Outro parts

GI20 115 125

Imported from Ohne Namen-12.mid

GI20 100 84 1

Imported from DriverSeat.mid

GI20 89 1191 1

Imported from BUENA DE.mid