Currently we have 79644 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.
{Made, 21/04/2019 but never posted.} This one I actually remember, my brain was feeling tired. And, just kind of empty. Couldn't focus much. Even though it's been awhile, I still remember the emotion I had when I made this, I felt detached. Thus, detached. I couldn't focus, and when I was making this all I did was repeat the same notes over and over. Thus, repetition. And so on! XD I don't really know where the strings came from, though! XD I hope everyone's having a nice day! (Fun fact! 21/04/2019. April 4th, 2019. This is over a year old, by four days! Oh dear!)
{Made, 09/06/2019 but never posted.} I really messed myself up by keeping so many melodies in my drafts for so long. 0-0 I no longer remember why they're named what they are, nor why they were made, what they were meant to be, what they were for. And so on, and so forth. But, as long as someone finds them to sound even half decent. Then all of it don't matter much in the end! If someone enjoys them, then there's no need to remember such things, it did it's job. It was enjoyed. Case closed and all that! And with that. Would...Would anyone mind if I just....Spam post about 5 other melodies today.? 0-0 You know, to help clean my draft folder? It is spring now! Spring cleaning of the draft folder! Get all my 2019 melodies posted no matter the reason for hiding them in the first place! This...Actually, sounds terrifying out loud....(0-0) ...Oh dear. I hope everyone's having a good day!