
Currently we have 79654 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 94 331

Imported from midi 2 toni.mid

GI20 94 334

Imported from midi song carillon.mid

GI20 64 433 4

GI20 120 1273 1

Imported from Reflective Waltz Music Box 1.mid

GI20 129 215

Imported from Fuel_To_Fire_Music_Box_Arrangement.mid

GI20 160 538

Imported from meridian

GI20 100 520

GI20 104 268 2 1

{Made 26/07/2019 but never posted.} "??? (Finished)" Yep. That's what it was called in my drafts. XD I don't know what I was thinking? But, i'm keeping it! Who am I to mess with past me's plans? If past me actually had any? A lot of these melodies were never posted because I just didn't know what to do with them. And decided to keep them until I did. But, then I never did... So, they just sat in my draft's getting old! And outdated. Which made me not want to post them because I felt I could do better. But, you've all heard that nonsense already, time-and-time again! But, since I now have a main focus story to work on, I don't really have any story pitches. Yes, this is for melodies, but i've gotten so use to writing stories for them it feels weird not to! But, it's always felt weird to leave these descriptions empty. Even though I don't tend to really think twice when others do. Once again, another story you've all heard time-and-time again! So, I guess I am still telling stories after all! XD Also, The reason it's called, "???" Is because I thought this sounded really....Messy? And just all over the place and, well...Bad? In general? (Ha! I actually remember!) So, I called it that because not even I knew what to think of it! XD I hope everyone's having a great day! (I have so many drafts the ones I consider finished I mark with "finished" and the others, with "WIP". That's why that's there. I'm not removing it. I think it looks funny for this one!) XD

GI20 90 250 2

{Made on 30/05/2019, but never posted.} Lachesism, the desire to be struck by disaster. Why did I name this that? That's something only past me knows, it seems. XD Yeah, I keep saying i'm going to post my older melodies. But then I never do, it seems the only way for me to be productive is by being low-key threatened by orcas in a DM. XD All-in-all, I feel most of the melodies I made, but never posted aren't, per se, the best? But, they did teach me a lot, and got me to the very basic understanding of music I have today! Also, yes, orcas, i'm afraid of orcas, and all sea mammals if i'm to be honest. I know, it's weird, it's silly, matter of fact, if that is, indeed, what you're thinking, I actually agree with you! I do! It's strange, I know. But, I'm still scared of them. If my fear of them is enough to be considered a phobia, is something I don't know. If it's cetaphobia, or, thalassophobia. That's something I also, don't know. All I know is that i'm scared boi and it works as great motivation! I hope you're all having a great day!

GI20 72 333


GI20 87 511 34

composed by Michael Giacchino (You will have to move some notes because it is only possible to place notes on a 1/4 grid.)

GI20 60 127

Imported from uwu.mid

GI20 90 258

GI20 60 250 10

GI20 72 112 2

The elusive 20 note tune!

GI20 75 730 1

the melody is a gift prepared for my girlfriend's birthday.

GI20 110 459

the melody is a gift prepared for my girlfriend's birthday.

GI20 70 258 2

Check out my gig on Fiverr for music arrangement requests :) https://www.fiverr.com/wamoz01/convert-your-sheet-music-into-a-music-box-playable-sheet