
Currently we have 79658 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 110 80 4

Alli mini Äntli

GI20 140 575

for game

GI20 78 928

Imported from sanrak.mid

GI20 137 2048

Imported from 369255.mid

GI20 137 2048 1

Imported from 369255.mid

GI20 69 463

Imported from 1579706918_wW08oe6SE8M5JJj26QMu_tr.mid

GI20 110 1612 1

Imported from fsamba1.mid

GI20 110 1615 1

Imported from fsamba1.mid

GI20 110 201

Imported from kangding_PNO.mid

GI20 69 463

Imported from Camila.mid

GI20 88 509

Imported from Japbaby.mid

GI20 100 511

And we'll all float on okay

GI20 90 387

Favorite town song behind Flanoir

GI20 110 201

Imported from kangding_PNO.mid

GI20 100 169

Imported from midi_export.mid

GI20 85 529 1

Imported from Lullaby no_1 In C Major.mid

GI20 81 1678

Imported from foreigner-1.mid

GI20 93 265 2

Alright, I don't really remember why I named this what it is? Ardently just means with passion. But i'm going to leave it. And, just real quick, I don't really know why I haven't published anything for awhile? It's almost been a month now. XD But, the best guess I have, is that I've been kind of keep thinking I can do better here recently? And, that's not bad, if I didn't think that way I wouldn't really be where I am skill wise? (If you could call it that.) But, something that I put in place when I first joined. Was that I wasn't going to hide anything. That's why a lot of my first melodies are a bit weird? Because I knew once I started using the draft system, I'd just keep everything in there. And, I am. I kind of forgot that this is where I learned and what you see is me learning as I go. I never didn't publish what I made, but I am now. And going to change that. This was made in august, last year of course. And this was a test. Back when I only used 20 and 15 note. I did the middle line, bottom and middle, and top, bottom and middle, then just top and middle.This really helped me oddly. It really helped me understand. Yet I never put it out. Until now. I hope everyone's having a good day!

GI20 110 256

GI20 75 120

Imported from From here To eternity Devilman Crybaby OST part 1.mid

GI20 100 369

Imported from Wakfu.mid

GI20 120 883

Imported from Miraculous_Ladybug.mid

GI20 120 149 4

Imported from suncreen medl3.mid

GI20 115 209

Imported from I have a feeling.mid

GI20 115 254

Imported from I have a feeling.mid

GI20 100 121


GI20 70 128 3

Shortened and adjusted for 15-note music boxes. (Export using Grand Illusions 20)

GI20 145 256 3

Somewhat adjusted and shortened for a 15 note music box.