
Currently we have 79662 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 139 1655

GI20 80 157

Imported from cantico 002.mid

GI20 120 387 4

My original arrangement of I NEED U for music box.

GI20 72 1203

GI20 89 831 2

Imported from Post_Malone_Swae_Lee_-_Sunflower_Spider-Man_Into_the_Spider-Verse.mid

GI20 82 86

Imported from 244_bethoven-5aja-simfonija_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 82 86 5

Imported from 244_bethoven-5aja-simfonija_musicboxmaniacs.com.mid

GI20 100 330 3

So, I had an idea. ( I'm not too sure how to word this.) You know how you can only place six notes on one line? Well, For some reason. I got it in my head to use as many as I could. BUT. While still having it sound presentable. ( I only made it to five. I failed.) I have no excuses for the insanity I made. XD All in all though, I do feel that this was a good thing. I really feel that I got a better grasp on making melodies due to it. So, Yay? I hope everyone's having a nice day!

GI20 85 40

Music box locket lullaby

GI20 115 153 3

Imported from 4416-3,autumngarden (1).mid

GI20 108 177

Imported from Beethoven+-+5th+symphony+easy+version+piano+tutorial.midi

GI20 62 158 4

I know how to upload pieces automatically

GI20 95 185 287

Imported from twinkle-twinkle-little-star.mid

GI20 160 1054 3

Imported from Evan e Jaron - Crazy For This Girl.mid

GI20 160 1054 3

Imported from Evan e Jaron - Crazy For This Girl (1).mid

GI20 80 1159

Imported from For the Dancing and the Dreaming.mid

GI20 100 351 7

(Continuation of Lost repeat.{The non-mirror story.}) The house, like many houses, looked normal. Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, all the normal rooms houses need. Looking, well, normal. Though, normal is never a good description for anything. What one considers normal, is many different things, to many different people. But for now, normal here means that the rest of the house would never have given away what you found. The things in the room looked like collectibles. All fitting to be called curio. Hand drawn maps of places in great detail. Props and replicas of ships, castles, even people. Old books bound with things no soul would begin to think would make good bindings. There were even skulls, that you hoped were just more replicas. But what caught your eye, was the sheer amount of books. Old, new, bound by wire, string, paperclips. And to make the whole room different from the rest of the house, was a large sky light, working as a covering for the room. You walk around the room, half in awe of the things this person has compiled. One thing, unlike the rest of the things that caught your attention, which was basically everything, looked too amusing to just look at.  It. It looked like a roomba. How wrong you were.  Curiosity. What a dangerous thing. At least, yours is dangerous. But in the defense of your curiosity, it could have been a lot worse. That's not exactly comforting. But no one said the truth would be. You pick it up. You turned it about looking to see if it could work. You couldn't find a button, switch, or any kind of piece to turn it on. I hope everyone is having a good day!

GI20 100 527 13

Imported from 30121_The-Flea-Waltz-Der-Flohwalzer.mid

GI20 160 515 13

Imported from 30121_The-Flea-Waltz-Der-Flohwalzer.mid

GI20 80 112 4


GI20 100 95

Imported from Nitzan_BD.mid

GI20 60 111

Für Diderica - a melody to make you smile :-)

GI20 115 153 3

Imported from 4416-3,autumngarden.mid

GI20 115 153 3

Imported from 4416-3,autumngarden.mid

GI20 100 1696

Imported from Revenge (DJ Got Us Falling In Love) Cover MIDI.mid

GI20 120 95

Imported from 1090867_7.mid