
Currently we have 79663 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 98 186 4

(I'm tired.) I'm too sleepy to make a good description. Though, I can say that I can finally continue one of the stories I started. Now that I have the format worked out. I like narrative writing, with a bit of script. I'm not a fan of writing out conversations. Unless one character is the main character. Because then I can still write in someone's perspective. Now I just need to wake up. I hope everyone's having a good day! (Exult doesn't fit this melody. But I can't think of a word that does.)

GI20 120 1783 3

Imported from BTS - Boy With Luv.mid

GI20 60 369 61

Imported from Musique du Samedi 3 août 2019.mid

GI20 68 136 14

This song has been stuck in my head for a bit ever since I sang it on ukulele. It may be a childhood staple, but it's timeless.

GI20 68 136 14

This song has been stuck in my head for a bit ever since I sang it on ukulele. It may be a childhood staple, but it's timeless.

GI20 109 1564

Imported from dermach2.mid

GI20 60 100

GI20 95 93 1


GI20 90 250 4

(Takes place before (Or after) What was written in 'Solace'.) {/͘͠ ͟͜e̸͘n̶̕á͞b̀͏̛l̴̴͝e͏ ͞'}-=-[M̕҉͘á̴̡r̶̢ķ̶s ̴_/T̀̀͞r̴ù̸̷e ̶̡.] {~T͏̡á̷͟k̡̕e͘ ~} [Recording Video] "....I guess I'll begin, since there's no need to know my name. I won't say. I'll be gone once you see this recording after all. This recording is a blessing. I never got half the decency of an explanation. Those are the rules of course. And before you say it, I realize. I very well could be ripping you from a good life. But trust me. This can't be forgotten. I won't leave you in the dark, though...The truth. I'm old. That's all there is to it. I can't do this forever. I know I mustn't let my learnings die with me. But who can I trust? And that's my problem. So, I've picked a name. With no known meaning for myself to put in my will. So this knowledge doesn't go in the wrong hands I've made you a companion. *CRASH*...The bugs will be gone once he's needed. The rules state I can't talk, see or help you. But I've found loopholes. Follow him. *BANG*...And it'll be alright. I hope everyone's having a good day!

GI20 100 80

Imported from 18 Toets Arrgement.mid

GI20 120 185

Imported from Zie_ginds_komt_de_stoomboot.mid

GI20 60 120 1

Wilhelmus van Nassouwe, Dutch National Anthem, arranged by Hans-Martin Meyer-Georges

GI20 150 496 3

Marble Machine - Piano Version

GI20 74 93 1

First part of a beautiful song by Wintergatan

GI20 100 1037

Imported from 20_valencia.mid

GI20 100 360 1

transcribed by BdR

GI20 103 777 1

Imported from Mehter_-_M_Eski_Ordu_Marsi.mid

GI20 80 73

Zac Brown Band - Quiet Your Mind