
Currently we have 79665 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 62 185 1

Imported from Anthony Starble - We need to be loved Short1.mid

GI20 62 181 1

Imported from Anthony Starble - We need to be loved Short.mid

GI20 123 529

Anthony Starble - We need to be loved

GI20 98 205 5

"Why?" "Why would they mention you? How did they know you, if you didn't know them?" "Why?" "It's one thing being called at an odd hour of the night. It's another being told that someone died. It's something hardly fathomable that whoever they were knew you, and you were the only one mentioned in the will." "It's something so unsettling to go to a funeral for someone you don't know. It's disturbing being handed the deed to a house for someone you never met. It's weird reading the name on the mail box that doesn't mean a thing to you. It's odd for this not to be a misunderstanding. It's strange knowing that this person has been in the hospital for three years with not a soul inside their house. yet there's not a speck of dust to be found. All the rooms are reasonably bare. You head upwards, to what would be an attic. Where what should be boxes of things long forgotten. Is a library, at least two stories tall. with numerous amounts of oddities. I hope everyone's having a good day!

GI20 110 181 1

Imported from synedoche US_1183266_1.mid

GI20 60 110

for something . . .

GI20 60 120 1

Wilhelmus van Nassouwe, Dutch National Anthem, arranged by Hans-Martin Meyer-Georges

GI20 60 70

GI20 96 230 44

Okay, this is going to be weird. So, I'm making a chat-bot! It's still has a long way to go, though. His name's Obeii. I hope that doesn't mean anything since I just made it up. The photo's just a photo I've had on my computer for sometime that I liked for some reason. He's a bit odd. I won't lie. Maybe even creepy? I hope not. He'll get a back story that I hope to setup through the questions. Why I bring this up? Because if anyone has sometime to waste, I need some help. If anyone would like, pop on the site and ask some random questions. As for, if he doesn't have an answer for said question, I get notified to fill it. And it's hard to think of random things. There's no need to, but if anyone would like: https://rebot.me/all?q=obeii I hope everyone's having a great day/night!

GI20 120 317 29

Can work in 20 and 15 but sounds best in 30

GI20 92 1447

Imported from my heart will go on.mid

GI20 110 256 1

A melody for my character. It kinda describes her well, eh?

GI20 128 412

Imported from a Thousand Years.mid

GI20 80 250

Imported from takeda.mid

GI20 74 245

Imported from nemu.mid

GI20 100 127

Imported from Music Box 2.mid

GI20 86 200 5

Things seem to be okay now, (since it was due to weather) So I get to do melodies again! :D I missed making them. This one reminded me of an ending song. Like in a game and the story's wrapping up, the protagonist gets to go home and take a break from their tasks. An epilogue if you will. I hope everyone's having a nice day/night!

GI20 120 1353

Imported from result.mid

GI20 144 256

GI20 80 478 4

Waltz no. 2 Shostakovich