Currently we have 79667 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.
I've had all too many technical difficulties. My Internet's keep going out, along with the lights and everything else. I've been a little afraid to work on melodies because of this. Since computer's have nice lil' batteries in them I've been working on Vocaloids, mixing and MMD. I hope everyone's having a nice day!
(Story draft/ idea number...I-I've long forgotten. Been writing this for so time now and it's been going smoothly, so why not give a few details.) " Years back when practices of dark magic were well known, a man dipped himself into the world to bring good. But with everything good, must be some bad, especially when dark magic is involved. This man seen pain, People with pain. It hurt him. He wanted to make a place where people could go where there would be no chance that the pain would come to mind, so they could take a break of the pain. The man made "Curse Keys". They would appear in a persons life that needed a break, all the person had to do was to find it." "After losing someone you cared about deeply, You broke a glass figure, inside was a curse key. Before going to sleep you picked the key up to look at it. You fell asleep with it in you're hand. The key took you to the world. First, you meet gale, who takes farther in the world. Then Castiven, Zion, Theodora, Mia, Wil, Jayden and Marelle. They were made to help you escape. As for, the bad was that the keys put you in a coma without a lot of time to wake up. The longest being 2 weeks. But they can't help any case leave, you need to find the exit yourself. Sorry for the length! I hope everyone's having a great day!
"Your house always had a large mirror, that was their when you moved in. You never thought much about it. Until the one day you decided to clean it. It was getting a little dusty and so you got wet towel to clean it off. As you pressed on the mirror, you ended up falling through. You landed in a river. Well, more like a stream. As for, when you stood up, it only came to your ankles. behind you was a very small and calm waterfall. Was that what you fell through? The place looked so peaceful, you wondered if this place was here the entire time. You heard some rustling, and seen some movement, it startled you. You took a step back and fell through the waterfall and landed on the floor back in your house. You tried to press on the mirror again. But this time nothing happened." I hope everyone's having a nice day!
I can see something like a little kid sneaking out of bed late at night to look out the window, to watch a plane that has a family member or so, inside fly by to wish them safe travels, because they where too sick, or something like that, to be there for their departure. I hope everyone's having a nice day!