
Currently we have 79668 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI20 105 300 3

Ooh, yay! I got two done today! I hope everyone's having a nice day/night! (I think this is the longest melody I've made.)

GI20 125 253 1

Strategy Seven

GI20 145 1104 5

GI20 89 1725 4

Imported from Jesus_Christ_-_Brand_New copy.mid_1549736491185.mid

GI20 117 148

It's been windy here. When it's windy the clouds make such pretty shapes! I hope everyone is doing well and keeping warm! (or cool.)

GI20 117 200 2

I don't think this tune is from anything. But, it sounds familiar to me... I guess if anything pops up in the similar Melodies we'll know! I Hope everyone's doing grand!

GI20 100 183

I didn't really have a plan or goal with this, I don't really know what I was doing either. Just having fun. Hope everyone's doing well today/night!

GI20 89 947

Imported from Parca.mid

GI20 110 115 4

I hope everyone is doing great! Oh, and happy Chinese new year! It's now the year of the pig!

GI20 120 564

Just an OC song written for fun.

GI20 110 100

"You walk through A path of newly planted saplings, a few full grow sycamore trees within. You break off the path to lean up on the nearest one. You sit there, just listening to the wind and rustling of the leaves, watching the clouds over head and the few leaves that float by. For once, Your mind is still, no longer racing about all those things." I hope everyone's having a lovely day!

GI20 120 1938 3

Imported from Ride_Twenty_one_pilots.mid

GI20 160 1140

Imported from Пираты Карибского моря - Главная тема [MIDISTOCK.RU].mid

GI20 120 260 60

GI20 100 1023

Imported from OUTRO 2.mid

GI20 160 2003 28

full song

GI20 75 184 2

I've never arranged for a 20 note before, so this was fun!

GI20 96 1157

Imported from 30530.MID

GI20 69 1315

Imported from 20788.MID

GI20 103 1697 1 8

Imported from Something_Just_Like_This-The_Chainsmokers.mid

GI20 85 629 10

Imported from Dragonball Z - Tapion.mid

GI20 85 629 10

Imported from Dragonball Z - Tapion.mid

GI20 100 253 2

Imported from The-Parting-Glass-Piano.mid

GI20 110 532 4

In common time, Couldn't get myself to use cut time tho