
Currently we have 79590 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI30 60 256


GI30 110 256

muu test

GI30 110 360 1


GI30 88 58

Imported from Samplab_My Chemical Romance .mid

GI30 142 383

Imported from Z3WOODS.MID and I also changed the octave of the base notes and the hightest notes. I think it sounds pretty good for being in a music box

GI30 112 255

Imported from Z4WRITE.MID

GI30 156 941

Imported from Z2CAST31.MID And edited to fit 30 note by me

GI30 110 390 4

Music form Genshin Impact

GI30 110 256

For Small Pieces of Paper

GI30 70 150 1

Clone of 505 (WIP) changed the length in between to make it manageable with an actual 30 note box, took out some impossible notes and stuff


GI30 110 256

GI30 110 256

GI30 60 256

GI30 60 256

Property of NovNov

GI30 60 256

Property of NovNov

GI30 60 256 1

Property of NovNov