
Currently we have 79606 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI30 110 256

based off of the toreador march included in Sir Fredrick Fazballington III's wonderful diner.

GI30 108 260

"If I could be anything, anything at all, I know without doubt I'd choose 'happy'," you said, with a beaming smile. "How silly," they scoffed, "happiness is too fleeting to chase!" "We weren't discussing what to chase!" You retorted, clutching at your teddy bear, "though, I think I'd still choose happiness." "Even if it's destined to never last?!" "Even if it never lasts." "What if happiness only stays for a week?" They asked. "Then that's a week I'll forever cherish," you replied. "...what do you think would make you happy, even if just for a week?" they asked after a long pause. "Existing here at the same time as you," you replied, gripping their hand tight. They snorted, and smiled a smile that wrinkled their skin, "I'll be here for as long as you promise to also be." "I promise for as long as I can," you said, as tears pricked at your eyes. Knowing sadly, deep down, to love is to assure you'll break hearts. And being in hospice only cemented that fact. Even if you both were too young to properly understand what "limited time" meant

GI30 72 425

Imported from TYLER5.mid

GI30 110 256

baba dada pabu

GI30 68 289

Imported from MASAL GIBIpourmbm.mid

GI30 75 391

Imported from hercai.mid

GI30 107 785

Imported from Love_Is_An_Open_Door.mid

GI30 110 256

Melody from the Divine Office Hymnal, No. 232

GI30 110 256

Melody from the Divine Office Hymnal, No. 338B

GI30 110 256

Melody from the Divine Office Hymnal, No. 230

GI30 110 256

Melody from the Divine Office Hymnal, No. 314B

GI30 110 256

GI30 100 381 2

Imported from Parte 5.mid

GI30 100 547 4

Imported from Parte 4.mid

GI30 100 717 5

Imported from Parte 3.mid

GI30 100 669 5

Imported from Parte 2.mid

GI30 100 1337 5

Imported from Parte 2.mid

GI30 114 335 5

Imported from Parte 2.mid