
Currently we have 74540 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI30 110 136

GI30 110 256 8

GI30 110 256

the music box part of this song :3 it just repeats after this basically so

GI30 70 487 1

G Key

GI30 100 580 50

A birthday gift for my dearest mom<333

GI30 70 2048

Imported from 849_MAYBEBOP-JohnMaynard.mid

GI30 135 915 10

Jukjae(적재) - Let's Go See The Stars(별보러가자)

GI30 60 125 1

Jukjae(적재) - Let's Go See The Stars(별보러가자)

GI30 100 520 1


GI30 94 747 1 1

scale at the beginning to force the import to stop changing the key to something that would not actually work!!

GI30 128 497 4

ファイナルファンタジー7 FF7 メインテーマ

GI30 80 80

GI30 90 193 31

Imported from Harry_Potter.mid

GI30 80 144 1

Repeated notes removed for use with the MIDI Visualizer. (erinmusicbox.com/midi-visualizer)