
Currently we have 79668 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI30 110 256 3

GI30 137 1641

Imported from twenty one pilots - Overcompensate2.mid

GI30 110 327

Most Accurate

GI30 64 289

GI30 120 2004

Imported from booye_eidy.mid

GI30 110 256

Something doesn't feel right.

GI30 110 164

GI30 110 256 2

morning alarm

GI30 110 256

Original. Doesn't come from a game, sorry.

GI30 110 256

I can't wait!

GI30 110 256 1

GI30 109 381

Imported from Aurora 16.mid

GI30 100 1255 3

Ed. Sheeran - Perfect

GI30 75 704

I made my own version based on the next sources Credits: https://youtu.be/sECsHsPimEg?si=hdsZJwpdvA-n-3pY https://youtu.be/PxIKrXrgeUY?si=r23P34NjZHIHRh58

GI30 122 1727

Imported from Crucified.mid

GI30 110 256

This is my first ever public song.

GI30 64 209

Imported from gui2.mid

GI30 60 189 1