
Currently we have 79519 music box melodies, but if your favorite melody is not yet listed in our catalog, just go ahead and create it using online melody editor or gently ask somebody else to make it for you on melody requests page. Don't forget to vote for melodies that you like - the author will definitely appreciate that.

GI30 150 697

Imported from Inno_a_Santa_Rosalia_con_testo_-_Le_Vie_del_Suono_Palermo.mid

GI30 136 1405 10

Imported from Once Upon a December - Anastasia.mid

GI30 136 2048

Venga Boys - We Like To Party (Six Flags Commercial Song)

GI30 110 244

Just finished the last one. The hardest one. Machiavelli. Do not know what all the fuss was about. Understood it perfectly.

GI30 110 121

Imported from 67581_xample_wxal_musicboxmaniacs.com (1).mid

GI30 89 270 1

Imported from __.mid

GI30 89 270 1

Imported from __.mid

GI30 70 150 2

From w3sp's piano version @ gamemusicthemes.com

GI30 60 340

GI30 80 100 4

cloned from BillyIsTrash and transposed

GI30 100 99

Imported from Axel_F_-_Crazy_Frog.mid

GI30 110 344

Imported from dansa_del_vestit_backup_extra[definitivo].mid

GI30 120 256