ADMA-SHINRA---THE MAD TOYMAKER -II- similar melodies

FR60 60 32 144

all available notes on music box

GI30 110 256 118


FR60 80 801 1 2 3

I was humming this in the shower and my sister complained I was being super loud

GI30 120 173 144

Imported from kurios_natos_import_3.mid

FR60 80 356 1 8 3

Notes. Notes everywhere.


GI30 110 256 144

GI30 110 35 144

GI30 110 256 151

GI30 110 496 144

GI30 100 723 166

Enjoy this awesome song.. FINAL VERSION..

GI30 100 723 146

Enjoy this awesome song.. FINAL VERSION..