All Star - Smash Mouth similar melodies

FR60 110 253 15

K15 108 1331 17

Imported from SMASH MOUTH.All star.mid

K15 108 1331 17

Imported from Smash_Mouth_All_Star1.mid

FR60 110 499 16

a music box version of the first third of smash mouth. made by dandruff dave


K15 108 1024 17

FR60 120 375 15

Imported from Smash_Mouths_All_Star_but_its_a_Bach_chorale_following_the_conventions_of_the_Common_Practice_Period

GI30 120 375 18

Imported from All_Star.mid

K15 108 1331 17

Imported from Smashmouth_-_All_Star.mid

FR60 103 1319 15

Artist: Smash Mouth

K15 108 1331 17

Imported from smash_mouth-all_star.mid

K15 108 1331 17

K15 108 1331 17

Imported from Smashmouth_-_All_Star.mid

K15 108 1024 17

Imported from smash_mouth-all_star.mid

K15 109 953 52

Imported from Sleeping Sun.mid

FR60 110 1024 52

Imported from SleepingSun.mid

K15 108 1024 1 17

Imported from Smashmouth_-_All_Star (1).mid