Cali Navidad Soleada para Walter Vargas similar melodies

GI30 135 1045 42

Imported from 【ff14双人合奏】【彩虹岛】雪原.mid

GI30 135 1045 42

Imported from 【ff14双人合奏】【彩虹岛】雪原.mid

FR60 135 1045 42

GI30F 70 66 1 48

As seen in the classic Hershey's Kisses "Christmas Bells" TV commercial. Watch the completed music box:

GI30 100 553 43

Imported from WeWishYouAMerryChristmas.mid

FR60 160 750 48

Imported from calinav.mid

FR60 120 1047 48

Imported from calip.mid

GI30 140 553 43

Imported from WeWishYouAMerryChristmas.mid