Clone of Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata similar melodies

FR60 60 1835 43

Imported from Moonlight_Sonata.mid

FR60 160 540 44

its harmonics and a solo hense harmonic solo! lol Now I am no beethoven but ive been told I compose a bit like him.

GI30 60 825 42

Imported from Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (2).mid

FR60 60 1087 43

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) - Sonate No. 14, Moonlight Part 1

FR60 60 1011 42

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)_MOONLIGHT SONATA

FR60 60 2048 43

Imported from Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 14 in C♯ Minor, Op. 272 _Moonlight_.mid

FR60 60 2048 43

Imported from Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 14 in C♯ Minor, Op. 272 _Moonlight_.mid

GI30F 60 272 42


FR60 60 2048 42

Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement

FR60 60 918 43

Imported from Moonlight_Sonata.mid

GI30 60 153 31

Template for 30 Note Music Box - Notes at beginning indicate actual notes played on box - Music Sheets are length 151, an additional 32 has been added to allow for the note indicators to have space

FR60 60 2048 44

Imported from Bury_the_Light__Vergils_Theme_piano.mid

FR60 60 2048 45

Imported from BuryTheFarts.mid

FR60 60 2048 45

Imported from BuryTheFarts.mid

GI30F 60 256 42

GI30F 60 828 43

Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata

GI30 60 840 42

Imported from Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (2).mid Manuelcarter version without red notes

GI20 110 256 42

K15 160 1613 45

This is full version main theme from the last of us (2013). In my opinion it sounds great, although I don't have a musical ear, so let people who are more familiar with making music for music boxes have their say.

FR60 60 828 43

Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata

GI30 110 255 34

idk what

FR60 60 868 43

Imported from Beethoven_gekko_1_k (1).mid

GI30 160 1613 45

This is full version main theme from the last of us (2013). In my opinion it sounds great, although I don't have a musical ear, so let people who are more familiar with making music for music boxes have their say.

FR60 60 828 43

Imported from moonlight_sonata.mid

GI30 60 828 42

Imported from moonlight_sonata

FR60 128 2048 42

Imported from beethoven-moonlight-sonata.mid