Clone of Undertale OST - Megalovania similar melodies

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this was originally brandonjameslakin but i fixed some empty spots (without permission cough cough)so this is just a polish to the song go to brandonjameslakin cuz he made about 98% of this and i just did 2% of it cuz it is just a polish have fun go check them out and stuff and dont give me all credit

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Imported from Undertale Megalovania.mid

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Imported from Undertale_-_Megalovania.mid

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Music by Toby Fox This one took me a really long time, so I hope everyone likes it. I know it has a few errors but it's really difficult to pinpoint in this massive thing.

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Music by Toby Fox This one took me a really long time, so I hope everyone likes it. I know it has a few errors but it's really difficult to pinpoint in this massive thing.

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stilla work in progress

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Toby Fox is me

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Imported from Undertale_-_Megalovania.mid

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Imported from Undertale_-_Megalovania.mid

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From famous pixel game UNDERTALE, a game where fate is in YOUR hands. Megalovania, Sans' battle theme. Stay Determined.

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Imported from Undertale_OST_-_Megalovania__Piano_Remix


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meglovainia with duslovainia

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From famous pixel game UNDERTALE, a game where fate is in YOUR hands. Megalovania, Sans' battle theme. Stay Determined.

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Sans Fight Theme from Undertale

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Imported from Undertale_-_Megalovania.mid

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Imported from .mid

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Imported from Undertale_-_Megalovania.mid