Enfado similar melodies

GI30 110 256 159

VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVv..............................................................................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'''][]]]\[\]\[\'\][][[]][]\----009889765442322123457rygffggzxgjkf k dshf u kfh dujjwk hfuhf jmdh f js fi yr fiu arhior 43oiy4u5i[pu][i[o]o/[

GI30 110 256 198

GI30 110 256 180

Scale testing piece for MIDI export


GI30 110 256 114


GI30 110 256 237


GI30 110 132 109

GI30 120 117 140

Imported from notes.mid

GI30 110 256 246

La 1º sinfonía de Daniela H

GI30 110 256 207

GI30 110 256 111

GI30 110 256 148

GI30 110 256 111

FR60 110 256 162

Breaking News With Spooder theme song

GI30 110 141 292

Same By Lunar Reyes. Use it however you please, Just give credit,

GI30 110 256 153

this is a awesome song

GI30F 120 256 142


GI30 110 1000 123

GI30 110 64 142

Just testing out and playing around with the DXF format. Please ignore :)

FR60 100 51 190

Imported from Scale.mid