He's a Pirate - Pirates of the Caribbean similar melodies

FR60 160 2048 69

Imported from 【黑乐谱】加勒比海盗主题曲He is a Pirate.mid

FR60 160 2048 69

Imported from 【黑乐谱】加勒比海盗主题曲He is a Pirate.mid

K15 90 104 84

Solo then triplet, then solo

K15 90 104 84

Solo then triplet, then solo

K15 90 104 68

Solo then triplet, then solo

K15 90 104 68

Solo then triplet, then solo

K15 90 104 68

Length = 13 x 8 notes

GI30 90 276 1 69

for 30 notes paper

FR60 116 700 8

Imported from Hans_Zimmer_-_Pirates_Of_The_Caribbean_-_He's_A_Pirate.mid

K15 85 48 84


GI30 80 256 69

GI30 110 539 68

FR60 90 192 28

Can be convert in Grand Illusion 30