La 1º sinfonía-de Daniela H similar melodies

GI30 160 50 140


GI30 110 32 140

mario mario run

GI30 110 256 155

VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVv..............................................................................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'''][]]]\[\]\[\'\][][[]][]\----009889765442322123457rygffggzxgjkf k dshf u kfh dujjwk hfuhf jmdh f js fi yr fiu arhior 43oiy4u5i[pu][i[o]o/[

FR60 143 893 17

Imported from 2056561-I_Miss_You_-_Earthbound_2012_-_Megalo_Strike_Back.mid

GI30 110 256 195

GI30 110 256 102

GI30 110 256 42

GI30 110 256 176

Scale testing piece for MIDI export

GI30 110 256 180

It is a song.❓🎨🌧💖🎨❓♾❓🐈🎨🌧🙀🌙✨🏫👯‍♀️🙀✨🎵❓🎨💫🌙🐈♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾🎨💵❓💖♾💨💫♾💫♾♾💨💨💫💵♾💫

GI30 110 257 53

a nightmare

GI30 110 256 233


GI30 110 132 106

GI30 120 117 140

Imported from notes.mid

GI30 110 281 174

a song dedicated to one of my oc's

GI30 110 256 173

GI30 110 256 64

얌 수정중

GI30 110 256 203

GI30 110 256 108

FR60 150 571 56

couldn't fit it all in one song

GI30 110 256 23

POV:you sneak into a circus fun house full of mirrors without friends....but your not alone lol.