Plingplong30-Schablone-mit-quasi-Leertakt-am-Anfang similar melodies

GI30F 120 256 143


GI30 110 1000 124

GI30 110 64 143

Just testing out and playing around with the DXF format. Please ignore :)

FR60 100 51 190

Imported from Scale.mid

GI30 94 841 144

scale at the beginning to force the import to stop changing the key to something that would not actually work!!

GI30 110 247 204

im boring ...

GI30 110 256 154

FR60 93 2048 143

Imported from fare(E)_purple.mid

FR60 93 2048 143

Imported from fare(E)_purple.mid

GI30 93 2048 143

Imported from fare(D)_pink.mid

GI30 93 2048 143

Imported from fare(C)2_cyan.mid

FR60 110 256 214

I was bored lol

GI30 60 1903 143

Imported from fare2_orange.mid

GI30 60 1903 143

Imported from fare2_orange.mid

GI30 60 1763 143

Imported from fare_ORANGE (B).mid

GI30 60 2048 143

Imported from fare_green_sec_1.mid

GI30 60 2048 143

Imported from fare_green_sec_1.mid

GI30 60 2048 143

Imported from Fare_1_(Green).mid


GI30 110 256 143

GI30 110 256 212


GI30 110 256