Tuxedo Mask 🌹 Friendship Music Box

Full range 60
02/06/2024 14:46

A tarnished box, a melody caged,
Holds memories of laughter, untamed.
A crank you turn, a gentle sigh,
And friendship's tune begins to fly.

The tinkling tune, a joyful chime,
Recalls shared secrets, whispered in time.
Secrets whispered 'neath a summer sky,
Two hearts entwined, reaching ever high.

The melody shifts, a bittersweet tone,
Of scraped knees mended, battles won.
Tears shared in trust, a comforting hand,
A promise whispered, we'll understand.

The music quickens, a playful chase,
Through sunlit meadows, a joyful space.
Chasing butterflies, dreams in flight,
Friendship's melody, ever so bright.

The final notes, a lingering sigh,
A reminder of moments, that cannot die.
Though paths may wander, and seasons may change,
Friendship's music box, forever will rearrange.

For within its heart, the melody stays,
A timeless echo of laughter-filled days.
A reminder true, in whispers untold,
Friendship's music box, forever we hold.

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Tuxedo_Mask on June 2, 2024, 4:54 p.m.

will add the video for this tomorrow when ive free time.

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