Tuxedo Mask 🌹 Lift You Up On High

Full range 60
03/06/2024 03:40

The weight you carry, etched on your brow,
A shadowed burden, I long to disavow.
My arms reach out, a fervent plea,
To lift you up, and set your spirit free.

Not with empty words, or fleeting praise,
But with unwavering strength, through darkened days.
To mend the cracks, where doubt may creep,
And fan the embers, where hope might sleep.

Together we'll climb, a mountain's might,
Where sunshine bathes us, in golden light.
I'll be your anchor, in the storm's harsh cry,
And lift you higher, towards a boundless sky.

For in your struggles, I see a strength untold,
A resilience shining, more precious than gold.
And with each step we take, hand in hand,
You'll rise above, a beacon in the sand.

So let go the weight, that binds you so tight,
For in my embrace, you'll find your guiding light.
Together we'll soar, on wings of belief,
I want to lift you up, on high, beyond grief.

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Tuxedo_Mask on June 3, 2024, 5:55 a.m.

will add the video for this tomorrow when ive free time.

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