Tuxedo Mask 🌹 The Bird in the Bush

Full range 60
13/06/2024 23:08

Here's what I can tell you about "The Bird in the Bush": This is my own arrangement of a very very old song that in its time was censored! It's since been remade and recreated many times in many forms but the shapes remain the same no matter how we might layer them and this version is not excluded from that statement. That said here are the bullet points.

Double Meaning: The song can have a double meaning. On the surface, it might be about a young woman meeting a man and wanting him to catch a bird for her. However, there's also a deeper, more suggestive meaning hidden within the lyrics.
Variations: This song has many variations and titles, such as "Three Maidens A-Milking Did Go." The specific lyrics and melody can differ depending on the region and who sang it.
Folk Tradition: Folk songs like this weren't typically written down but rather passed down orally from singer to singer. This can lead to variations over time.
Unfortunately, due to the potentially bawdy nature of the lyrics, many versions you find online might be sanitized.