Tuxedo Mask 🌹 When I'm With You

Full range 60
03/06/2024 03:34

The world can shrink to whispered sound,
A gentle hum that hangs around.
The weight I carry, soft it seems,
Dissolves like snowflakes in warm streams.

When I'm with you, the sun ignites,
A golden flame in weary nights.
Your laughter rings, a joyful song,
Chasing shadows all night long.

In conversation, hearts unfold,
Secrets whispered, brave and bold.
A silent language, understood,
A knowing glance, a shared mood.

Time itself forgets to race,
Lost in the comfort of your embrace.
A world complete, a perfect sphere,
Just you and I, and nothing here.

So let me hold this precious time,
This warmth, this love, so truly mine.
For when I'm with you, worries cease,
And all I know is whispered peace.

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Tuxedo_Mask on June 3, 2024, 5:55 a.m.

will add the video for this tomorrow when ive free time.

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