Unknown Artist - Untitled similar melodies

GI30 120 1001 3

Imported from MIDI_sample.mid

GI30F 60 550 1 59


GI30 100 205 7

Imported from 91cf9f16-041b-4b1e-9f71-1658fbdd7962

GI30F 110 1024 18

Transfer of https://musicboxmaniacs.com/explore/melody/professor-layton-and-the-eternal-diva-ost-puzzles-_1806/ by DiyMusicBox to F scale

GI30 110 256 59

GI30 120 1001 3

Imported from MIDI_sample.mid

FR60 110 496 22

GI30 120 1024 18

(Tomohito Nishiura) - Puzzles Reinvented MyYouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpwwtiXQW6ohMmJWi2xbrQ Do you have Diy Music box?! And you want to play your favorite melodies on your real music box, but can't create paper strip with right notation, because you don't have enough experience? Ask me at: https://www.fiverr.com/diymusicbox/notation-for-diy-music-box