Unknown Artist - Untitled similar melodies

K15 110 144 283

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FR60 110 310 1 29

Ok so basically I tried composing a melody myself but it was hard and my brain eventually stopped working ( I am better at musical arrangements). So anyway, I worked on the creepy lullaby and realised that by keeping the melody and adding that same melody flipped upside down for the "bassline", you can get a spooky distorting effect. More methods to come. There are a lot of ways to make orchestrated music creepy, but doing so in music boxes is much more limited, but I'll try to find a way to simulate those effects on this sequencer.

GI20 95 185 285

Imported from twinkle-twinkle-little-star.mid

GI30F 80 256 285

GI30F 60 256 285

hyunho hanmin

GI30F 110 256 285

GI30 110 256 286

GI30F 80 256 286

GI30 110 256 286

it is twinkle twinkle little star

GI30 110 256 286

한 박자는 네 칸입니다

GI30 110 256 286

GI30 110 256 286

GI30 60 256 286